Excuse me for being melodramatic but the last lollicake to be eaten deserves a few moments in the limelight.
There's nothing significant about the R. |
After two weeks of saving the lollicake, I have decided to eat it. This was a big decision for me since I have been keeping them from harm's way, such as my brother's binge eating. Being in charge of the lollicakes (self-proclaimed, but still) that are actually my mother's, I thought that it was high time for the last one to be gone for two reasons: one, it might expire sooner than I think; and two, I'm leaving for Manila soon.
And now, let us honor the last lollicake with a moment of silence.
The last silver thingy that I unwrapped. |
Pure and innocent. Doesn't really have anything to do with the lollicake, though. |
First (bite) and last (lollicake). |
On another note of little importance for me, I have taken pictures of our Japanese Spitz puppies after the lollicake pictorials. My sister have been requesting, or rather, demanding for their pictures since she wasn't able to go home this summer. The last time my sister and I saw the puppies were when they were a month old last December. Unusually big for their breed, they have grown up already.
Two on the left are Sushi and Sumo. One on the right is Pinky. |
Sushi got so excited to have his picture taken, while Sumo went back to eating. |
That tongue! |
Pinky smiling for the camera. |
Sushi making face while Sumo's restless. |
Sushi is sitting pretty while the other two are restless. |
I'm pretty sure my sister will be happy about this.
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