Friday, June 1

Random things I do to pass time by

A few hours of sleep does not give me the rest that I needed from a sleepless night of wait and travel. However, it does not stop me from tagging along my mother and her sister to relatives on my maternal side.

I would be posting pictures of last night's travails right now, but I can't plug in anything into this laptop. This is my cousin's after all.

While they talk and catch up with the who, what, when, where and why of their lives, I sit on a big couch, freeloading-- food, Internet, throw pillows.

Long ago, the only way to keep me from killing joy is to let me sit beside my mother and listen to their conversation, even if I don't understand a single word. Now, they can keep me mum with a gadget connected to WiFi. Have I really become dependent on cyberspace? If so, is it a good or a bad thing?

It amazes me how I can snap a question then not answer it. For one thing, I am lazy. Second, my train of thought is ever changing. And third, I can't focus on one thing right now. Well, that's the same as my second idea, but it's true so I have to stress the fact. I don't think I am fully rested from my early morning flight so I really can't think right. 

On another news, why does Jessica Sanchez have her own segment in the evening news? And a UFO spotting, really? Human interest stories keep on popping in news lately: Lady Gaga, Coronavela. Please! My eyes are rolling.

See how random I am just to pass the time?

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