Wednesday, September 19

New Trailer

Today, a new trailer for the movie The Hobbit was released and I am more excited than ever for December 14, 2012. I'm not quite sure if The Hobbit will be released on the same date in the Philippines though, but I shall watch the movie on its opening week in eye-popping 3D no matter what. (Friends, save the date, OK?)

For everyone, here's the new trailer of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.

Thirteen dwarfs, one hobbit, but no glimpse of the dragon? I know, I know. Smaug doesn't come in until the second movie, which is entitled The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug. But a sneak would have been nice, right? Isn't it great that an awesome actor was the one who gave the dragon a voice and movement for the movie? (That's the subtlest way I can say that without showing my inner fangirl. I'm squealing in my head and squirming in my seat right now.)

On the other hand, at least Kili (Aidan Turner) is in the first movie. He's the only dwarf who doesn't have that much prosthetics on his face, making him look more human (and more handsome) than the other dwarfs. And, of course, let's not forget to mention Martin Freeman who plays Bilbo Baggins. The casting of this movie never ceases to amaze me.

Let's get excited together, shall we?

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