Saturday, November 17

Not yet our time, but...

If you believe that the end of the Mayan calendar is equivalent to the end of the world, then you have five more weeks until the so-called Apocalypse.

Don't fret though. Scientists have found that neither the Mayan calendar ended to foretell the end of the world nor that the Mayan civilization ended. In fact, Mayan descendants still live on; the great empire, on the other hand, did not. The Mayan people had to disperse throughout Central America to survive because of an extreme drought a long time ago.

I found these information through an informative YouTube channel, the Sci Show. There are many more science-y stuff over there, so you better check them out. More to know about the "Apocalypse" in the Sci Show videos below.

There is still a looming threat of the end of the world. It might not be on the winter solstice this year, it might still be years away, maybe a few decades... okay, let's hope for centuries now, but it's here, all right. We are now experiencing weird weather patterns and natural disasters. Don't blame fate or the "one" of your beliefs, though. These, my friends, are caused by climate change because of all the things man keep doing to Mother Nature. We should start acknowledging this is a fact and make an effort to dissipate the current effects and stop further damage from happening.

I am open to the idea of life forms with the same or higher level of intelligence as ours, but for now, we are the only ones which we know of that are concerned about Earth because it is the only planet, to our knowledge, that is live-able for us, our home. And we should do everything in our power to make this year, and every year after, not our last. Let's do this, humans!

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