Tuesday, September 23

Pride Week: Open Minds. Open Hearts.

Continuing with rainbows, this week is apparently UP Pride week. Huzzah for equality!

Grabbed from UP Babaylan

This poster has been making its rounds in different social media, so I thought I might as well share it on my site.

UP Pride 2014 activities start today and I'm happy that my class is close to the venue. I can attend! I'm looking forward to Friday's Pride March, too.

It's great that UP Babaylan and many other organizations go to such great lengths to help support, promote and celebrate LGBTQA awareness. I'm all in in keeping an open mind as well as an open heart. How about you?

Edit: It's sort of timely that Emma Watson, UN Women Goodwill Ambassador, gave a speech on feminism for the HeForShe 2014 campaign. More cheers for equality!

Friday, September 12

Rainbows and Cheers

With this year's UAAP Cheerdance Competition scheduled on Sunday, the College of Human Kinetics hosted this year's Pep Rally last night. As usual, our very own UP Pep Squad performed their complete cheerdance routine and their group stunts number. Twice.

Grabbed from UP Pep Squad

Sunday, June 22

I confessed to you...

And then I kissed you on your right cheek. Surprised, you faced me with questioning eyes. I smiled – the one that I thought was awkward but you said it was lovely anyway. Your expression changed– a mix of anguish and guilt – as you saw my eyes fill with tears. "You can’t do anything about it anymore," I whispered as I caressed your face. I have already stabbed you seven times – your lucky number you said. I even found out that your blood in my hands feels warmer than you can ever be – than you will ever be. As your eyes went blank and your hand felt limp, I learned to be free.

Thursday, April 17

Forward this message


It’s been a while. How have you been? Gotten yourself busy, huh?

Actually, it’s been ages since we last talked. You haven’t even replied to any of my messages. I’ve gotten anxious about you. But, hey, you have been posting status updates in your favorite networking site, so I shouldn’t worry, right?

Tuesday, April 15

Sex Talk

The article "Let's Talk About Sex or Something Like It" by Ms Kat Alano has been making its rounds across the social networking sites since yesterday (to my knowledge).

To Ms Alano, thank you so much for putting these thoughts together. Sex is really a sensitive topic in our society, but not talking about it will make matters worse in many ways (and this is not exclusively regarding to "sex").

Please, please do read the article. Are you up for the challenge of change?

Thursday, April 10

This blog is in mourning

I put on a random layout temporarily on my blog as I try to make a better one (with the help my friend). The final product turned out to be aggressively dark. Look at all the black!

Anyway, new layout will be up soon (I hope). Let's just mourn with this blog for the time being.

Wednesday, April 9

Sinking Feeling

There was a ringing in my ear. No matter how hard I tried to stop it, the high-pitched buzz went on. I covered my ears with my hands, but it did nothing to help.  My eyes shut close, brimming with tears that I couldn’t hold back. Somehow, I was on the floor, twisting and turning, mouthing the words “Make it stop.” I couldn’t hear myself, though I felt my throat getting hoarse.

There was a lump in my throat, sprouted unnoticed but grew until it hindered my airway. I gasped for breath. My heart raced from pain and panic. My body stopped squirming, but my hands touched my ears then my throat. I was frantic, not knowing what to do anymore. As a last resort, my eyes flew wide open, hoping to get a glimpse of the world for the last time. Nobody was around. I was in an unfurnished room all by myself. Only the light bulb on the ceiling was my audience.

“So this is how I die, huh?” I humored myself despite it all. Must have been the lack of oxygen in my brain. This would have been my last thought.

Thursday, February 13

I think I got my motivation back

Just before he sang "Bitiw", Yael of Spongecola thanked UP for being such a wonderful audience yearly during UP Fair and praised it for having the cream of the crop populate its student body. He was rooting for us, Iskolars., and I'm really grateful for it. It wasn't their songs that tugged at my heartstrings in particular; the little anecdote he shared to us about a conversation between him and his mother did.
Mom: Anak, galingan mo ha? [Son, do your best, ok?]
Yael: Oo naman! [Of course!]