Perspectives change, and here's a very good example.
Age 4: That was a very scary sound! I never ever ever want to hear that again. MOMMY!
Age 7: Dad said the gods are playing bowling in heaven. Thunder is when the ball hits the pins. He said that lightning is because of celes– heavenly cameras with flash taking pictures of the game.
Age 10: My aunt said that when God sees people doing bad things, He gets angry and lets out thunder and lightning to scare evildoers. I'm not scared of thunder and lightning anymore; I'm no evil.
Age 12: So here's what really happens: when particles bump into each other, energy is released and it is perceived as lightning (light energy) and thunder (sound energy).
Age 16: OMG! It's Thor! The god of thunder has blessed us with a show of his magnificent powers! THOR! *fangirl squeal*
Age 18: I'll just be warm and cozy under my blankets and sit in a corner of my room and let it– HOLY FREAKING GLOB THAT'S LOUD.
Context: There has been rain with lightning and thunder (I'm not sure if it can be categorized as thunderstorm yet) every night since the start of the week. Some loud bang like glasses crashing and gunshots woke me up one night, and, thus, this.