Tuesday, September 23

Pride Week: Open Minds. Open Hearts.

Continuing with rainbows, this week is apparently UP Pride week. Huzzah for equality!

Grabbed from UP Babaylan

This poster has been making its rounds in different social media, so I thought I might as well share it on my site.

UP Pride 2014 activities start today and I'm happy that my class is close to the venue. I can attend! I'm looking forward to Friday's Pride March, too.

It's great that UP Babaylan and many other organizations go to such great lengths to help support, promote and celebrate LGBTQA awareness. I'm all in in keeping an open mind as well as an open heart. How about you?

Edit: It's sort of timely that Emma Watson, UN Women Goodwill Ambassador, gave a speech on feminism for the HeForShe 2014 campaign. More cheers for equality!

Friday, September 12

Rainbows and Cheers

With this year's UAAP Cheerdance Competition scheduled on Sunday, the College of Human Kinetics hosted this year's Pep Rally last night. As usual, our very own UP Pep Squad performed their complete cheerdance routine and their group stunts number. Twice.

Grabbed from UP Pep Squad