Wednesday, February 29

A Night of KontraKultura

Before the month ends, I want to share some photos of what I'd like to think as the highlight of this month, and probably one of the nights I shall cherish as a college freshman.

You see, UP-Diliman held its annual UP Fair on February 14 to 18 at the Sunken Garden. Each night was sponsored by organizations, fraternities, sororities and what-not. As in any fair, there were concerts, food, anything-for-sale bazaars and rides (the perya way). I was not fortunate to ride the Ferris wheel, Space Shuttle or whatever rides there were. But I am happy to have stood in the middle of the Sunken Garden with hundreds of people to watch bands after bands on a Wednesday night, a school night. I do not regret staying up late on a school night.

So there I was enjoying the KontraKultura concert, taking pictures of the many celebrities on stage, including Gary V, Yeng Constantino and Spongecola. I want to shout a big THANK YOU to Nikki Tan for lending me her DSLR for the night (though longer lenses would have been nicer in my spot in the crowd). The concert and the camera made me a happy child that night.

It's the KontraKultura: A Date with Destiny.

Tuesday, February 28

Le Kalay Wacky Friday

Finding free time for me is hard, especially during the previous weeks when I have long exams, quizzes, plates and data sheets to face. I was not only busy with acads stuff but with events in my dorm and in my school.

Our dorm held the Kalayaan Residence Hall Week (Kalay Week, in short) from February 7 to 11. Themed after the movie "No Other Woman", Kalay Week was baptized as "No Other Dorm". Our house council prepared different events for each day, like eating contests, open house and, a Kalay trademark, the Wacky Friday. Wacky Friday is the day when most, if not all, residents of the dorm wear anything and everything, as long as it is not nothing. We go around campus in our wacky outfits. We even had a parade around our academic oval.

Here are some pictures of Wacky Friday, most of them I took.

(Part of the) Wacky Friday Parade

Monday, February 27

A Photo Show and Tell

I feel that I owe my sister some love for her birthday.

Last night, I was not able to hug and kiss her because she was just on her way home from a trip. But I was able to text her at a little passed midnight. I hope she felt the sincerity.

I woke up this morning and saw her sleeping in our room. They might have arrived when I was sleeping. We did not get to have much time together. I was preparing to leave because I had to go back to my dorm in the UP Campus.

Before leaving, I woke her up to tell her that I have to go. At the door, I gave her my gifts: a template "Happy Birthday" greeting, a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Wait, it was more of a cheek-to-cheek thing. Was that enough?

Monday, February 13

Ain't A Song About Love

Recent status updates by my Facebook friends show mixed emotions about tomorrow. There are those who are super excited to spend time with their love ones and paint the town red. They really want to spread the love. A couple of couple friends make it a special occasion. On the other hand, there are those, such as I, who keep tomorrow as ordinary as possible. I am not bitter (well, maybe for my Chemistry long exam earlier) nor philophobic. I just have no obligation to keep a certain someone feel loved for one day. But mind you, if I have a special one, I would not need Valentine's Day to show how much I appreciate and care for him, right? There are certainly many days in a year for that.

Moving on... All the single ladies (and gents), put your hands up!

I have been listening nonstop to Joseph Vincent's S.A.D. in YouTube after my depressing Chemistry long exam (which I do not want to talk about). His song was like an anti-depressant. Honestly, I can partially relate to its lyrics. And I am sure many others can, too. V-Day makes singledom a little bit more obvious. And as the song says, Valentine's Day is Single Awareness Day. On another note, the song has this nice tune that I can't help but be LSS-ed.

Joseph Vincent has many other songs, so I hope you guys can also check out his official YouTube channel and listen to his other songs. By the way, he has a cover of Parokya ni Edgar's Gitara for all the Filipinos.

Wednesday, February 1

Here comes February

It's that time of the year again when florists' sales go up, chocolates and candies go off the shelves, and the lovebirds paint the town red. Yes, it is February. And yes, 13 nights to go and it is Valentine's Day, the day of the hearts, the day of dates, the day of that four-letter word that makes the world go whoosh! LOVE. Yipee! (Though I really prefer thinking Christmas as the Day of Love.)

Whew! It seems that we have just ushered in 2012 yesterday and now we are into the second month. How time flies by when you are having fun with sky high piles of school work to finish, right? But, hey, let's not start the month ranting about my life, shall we?