Wednesday, February 1

Here comes February

It's that time of the year again when florists' sales go up, chocolates and candies go off the shelves, and the lovebirds paint the town red. Yes, it is February. And yes, 13 nights to go and it is Valentine's Day, the day of the hearts, the day of dates, the day of that four-letter word that makes the world go whoosh! LOVE. Yipee! (Though I really prefer thinking Christmas as the Day of Love.)

Whew! It seems that we have just ushered in 2012 yesterday and now we are into the second month. How time flies by when you are having fun with sky high piles of school work to finish, right? But, hey, let's not start the month ranting about my life, shall we?
Going back to Valentine's day, I found an article for those enjoying singledom as I am. It's about "surviving" Valentine's day when you are single (and ready to mingle). I can not relate to everything in it but it is fun to read new ideas that I can do for the day. Unfortunately, I cannot just have some rest and relaxation because it is a school day, so, boohoo, no spa treatment or barkada lakwatsa. On a lighter note, the article said that Valentine's day is just like any other days in the calendar, so you are the only one who can make it special if you please. (Click here: "How to survive Valentine's Day when you're single")

Anyway, cheers to singledom! Cheers to life! Cheers to everything else!

For entertainment purposes, here is a video that might delight you. It's a mixed Filipino-English video so try to enjoy it. If you can't understand, just watch his actions. I'm sure you'll laugh at one point or another.

I have been enjoying watching videos by LloydCafeCadena2 that I want to share the experience to others. I hope you guys will have a hilarious time with him. I think he deserves more audience, yes?

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