Wednesday, October 28

Daily Movement

Dad’s been giving me natural laxatives every morning. 

As part of what my dad believes is healthy living, he makes a drink-blend of apples, bananas, carrots, and whatever other fruits and vegetables available in the kitchen. Basically, he tosses everything (chopped in small cubes) in a blender. The concoctions are baby food-like – usually more solid than liquid – and call for spoons instead of straws. The texture is far from that of a smoothie: dad simply uses a blender instead of a juicer to keep the fibers in. The taste is, well, a blend of everything –fruity sourness and bitter peels, sometimes sweetened by ripe bananas or another fruit. It’s not much visually, but that is what is expected of mashed produce. It is the nutrients inside that count, my dad keeps telling me.

We (mom and I) usually drink them after breakfast. It makes a good non-sweetened dessert for me, easily consuming a bunch of fruits in a few gulps.

And in a few minutes, the toilet seat is my throne for half an hour.

Saturday, October 24

How to adult?

I lived with the notion that on one of my birthdays, something will magically click, switching on an adult version of me inside – one that is mature, responsible, and wise. I thought it would happen on my eighteenth birthday – the "debut to adulthood".

Well, it didn’t. Bummer, I thought, but it was not the end of days. I had three more years of undergrad, plus probably a few more in the workforce, unless I get into grad school, that might jolt my inner adult awake. Probably.