Monday, February 27

A Photo Show and Tell

I feel that I owe my sister some love for her birthday.

Last night, I was not able to hug and kiss her because she was just on her way home from a trip. But I was able to text her at a little passed midnight. I hope she felt the sincerity.

I woke up this morning and saw her sleeping in our room. They might have arrived when I was sleeping. We did not get to have much time together. I was preparing to leave because I had to go back to my dorm in the UP Campus.

Before leaving, I woke her up to tell her that I have to go. At the door, I gave her my gifts: a template "Happy Birthday" greeting, a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Wait, it was more of a cheek-to-cheek thing. Was that enough?

I didn't think so. That's why I dedicate this post to my sister.

Let's first start with our trip to Enchanted Kingdom. Ate, can you still remember this? Of course you do! Unfortunately, I don't have our pictures in the space shuttle. That could have been more fun.

Face paint!

Our first adventure ride! Because the Ferris Wheel is for sissies.

Do you want to know a major difference between my sister and me? She loves cats and dogs while I only like kittens and puppies.

My sister and her two newborns Sushi and Sumo.
 To have fun, some vanity helps. The world is a much better place with camera phones and webcams. Oh yeah!

You were my new camera phone's first victim.

The siblings that wear sunglasses together, stay  cool together.

This started my milk tea craze. I thank you for that.

And saving the best for last...
I love this picture the most! Tee-hee. =))

I had so much fun doing this that I got carried away and edited so much more pictures. These were just selected ones. I hope my sister wouldn't mind my posting of our- ehem- pictorials.

To my sister Ate Pau, thank you for taking care of me especially that you are my closest relative here in Metro Manila and our family is all the way in Kalibo. It's weird that we only spend a lot of time together now that I'm in college. Other siblings would have spent most of their childhood together, but not us. I think it's more fun, especially because you have a job and earn money. Ha! Just kidding. I am so proud to have you as a sister. (though a big brother would have been helpful, right?) I hope you enjoyed what I have prepared for you. I hope you had a wonderful day (and had fun over the weekend), because you deserve to be happy. I love you! ♥

P.S. I did not mean for the first part to be that serious. It's just is.

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