Monday, June 6


Our house is a library with volumes of encyclopedias, textbooks, novels and self-help books. It's a wonder why I only started to really fancy books after I graduated from elementary. But when I did, I started my own collection of books, adding to the rising piles at home.

It started with Harry Potter and the Order Of the Phoenix. The fifth installment was sent to me as a birthday present from my parents' friend. I only knew the HP movies back then so my sister told me not to read it. I should start with the first book, The Sorcerer's Stone, though I have seen the movie. So she gave me the first two books, then I bought the next two, all in paperback. When the sixth and seventh installments were released, we bought them hardbound. That's when I really started, not just to read, but to collect books, especially novels.
Fast-forward to today, I have my own cabinet for books, but it's not full yet. I strive hard to find books with good reviews to add to my growing collection. But unfortunately bestselling books cost from P250 and it seems that the sky is just about the limit. So for book hoards such as I who live by the meager allowances given to us by parents, it is not easy to save up and get the books we always want without going hungry (for food, that is).

Thankfully, there is Booksale, a thrift store full of "slightly used" books. I enjoy going there, scanning the spines of the books for titles that I wanted. I would check the price and gasp to see it's worth less than P100, while a new copy costs almost P300 in high-end bookstores. I only started this new hype last week. I got two books, each bought on separate occasions. Sadly, I won't have the luxury of time to devour more books by the time I go to Manila this Friday. Classes will start and I will have to focus reading textbooks instead of romance and suspense-filled books.

Anyhow, for the remaining period, I guess I have to indulge my self on what I have before my vacation is cut short.

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