Sunday, March 25

The Hungry Games

With all the hype about The Hunger Games, I can't help but feel left out. You see, I have not read the book nor watched the movie. My sister discouraged me to read the books a few months back. She explained to me why and the reasons will be left undisclosed. On the other hand, I don't want to watch the movie before reading the book. (I have learned my lesson from HP the hard way, thank you very much.) Then I found this newly uploaded video by reallyannoyingorange.

It was a laugh-fest as my friends and I watched this. And take note that my friends have read and watched THG already. I believe that their opinions are legit. If you enjoyed THG, I guess you'll enjoy The Hungry Games, if not annoyed by Orange. Totally worth the watch.

And that's that. All I really want was to mention The Hunger Games. Ha!


  1. hey? I've been reading your post since May 2011.. you're good in writing.. can you give me some tips? I like writing, but i don't think i'm good enough.. uhmm.. can you recommend some books for me to read?

    Thanks, and good luck to your studies. Have a great vacation!

    1. Hi! Thanks so much and keep on reading (and commenting in) my blog! I'm flattered, actually.

      Now, about writing. It all starts with reading. Reading and writing are the best combination. Last but definitely not the least, be aware of your grammar. It really helps. Well, I'm just sharing with you the tips that were given to me.

      For books, I think it's better that you read a mix of classics and new books. I love reading Neil Gaiman and James Patterson, plus some YA genres for fun.

      I hope these help, and I hope next time you share your name so we can get to know each other. Good luck to you in whatever you do and have a fun vacation, too!
