Thursday, March 29

Summer Plans

After almost an hour looking for taxi, my sister and I were able to bring home all my stuff from the dorm. It took us 2 cabs riding in convoy to take all the bags full of my clothes, school supplies, more bags and what-not to her apartment. Plus my bucket and electric fan. Packing them all was both tiring and shocking. I was overwhelmed by the amount of things I kept in my room. You see, nothing must be left behind. I was kind of embarrassed by all my huge baggage that I paraded from my room to the lobby and out of the dorm.

I packed my whole house. Ha!
So there you go. I was cleared and I left the dorm. Goodbye, Kalayaan Residence Hall. I will miss you and all the adventures and mishaps that occurred within your walls. I am a freshman no longer.

The good news? Summer vacation officially started! And since I won't be taking any summer classes in UP, I can do LOTS of things in the upcoming 2 months.

As of the moment, I am trying to finish a book entitled Ribblestrop By Andy Mulligan as fast as I could. Why do I need to finish it so quick? You see, my sister keeps bugging me for it. (She never knew that I bought it until she saw me reading it last night.) She told me that American Gods (by Neil Gaiman) is still waiting for me to finish it so I should speed up. Why can't she just say that she wants to read so bad?

I'm more than halfway now.
Actually, I have more books in line. After American Gods, I still have The Graveyard Book (also by Neil Gaiman) and Max, Fang and Angel of the Maximum Ride series by James Patterson. And there are still books at home that I have left idle (i.e. Christmas gifts).

When I get home, I'm hoping for cooking lessons from our resident "chef". I need some cooking action especially whenever I'm in my sister's apartment. Fast food is getting boring and unhealthy. I hope my sister and her housemates won't my mind me dirtying their kitchen next semester.

What else do I plan to do this summer? Swim in a pool. Swim at the beach. Write on paper. Write on blog. Ride my bike. Meet old friends. Meet new friends. Read. Read some more. Travel. Watch movies and TV series marathons. Abuse the camera. Most importantly: enjoy my summer! It might be my last.

How about you? What do you plan this summer?


  1. Nadya! Are you coming to Iloilo City? I'm only here until mid-April; I'm leaving for Manila (then Europe, FINALLY!) I'm only coming back for a week after that since enrollment is on May 25th and classes start on June 4th. :P
    Also, if you plan on starting new TV series, I strongly advise you to download Revenge. I have never been so in love with a show as I am with it. It's much better than PLL and GG. Once Upon A Time is also pretty good.
    Can I borrow Fang and Angel when you're done? I can lend you my copies of the Hunger Games trilogy and a lot of other books that I highly recommend. :) (I get why your sister discouraged you from reading it. It has some pretty dark themes, lots of death.)
    I miss you! It's so hard for us to meet... At least Diana is less than an hour from UST. You're two jeepney rides, an MRT and an LRT ride away. :(

  2. BTW You have less stuff than me and I'm willing to bet the dorm room I shared with Ann is smaller than your space. :) It took me and my tita 2 trips with her car and one by myself via taxi. The ironic thing is that they're mostly books, only about 1/10 of which are school-related.
    (Super, super, SUPER heavy.)
    Love you, Naj!

    1. thanks, dear! talk to you soon. posting a reply here will be pretty long. :) see you soon! :D
