Wednesday, May 30

Lez Miz on Christmas

You know what I want to see?

The musical Les Miserables performed in Broadway. Unfortunately for me, the Broadway run has already ended years ago. Now, it's all up to fate if I will ever experience Les Miz live on stage.

But look at the turn of events! I found the trailer for the latest movie adaptation of Les Miz thanks to Gelo's tweet. It surprised me, though, that it was Anne Hathaway who was singing Fantine's I Dreamed a Dream in the trailer. I'm not against Hathaway being Fantine. She is a talented actress and, based on the trailer, has a beautiful voice, but I thought it would be great to have a new voice in the silver screen for a change. A new face with a voice as powerful as that of Ms Lea Salonga would have been terrific for the part. But, hey, it's Hollywood.

To my dismay, I learned that Les Miz has a star-studded cast-- Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe and Amanda Seyfried. Nobody can please everyone anymore, not even Hollywood. I just hope they do a good job in re-creating the experience that the musical Les Miz has given people for a long time with their goosebump-inducing songs and tear-jerking scenes that really touches the hearts of everyone.

But I am fickle-minded, to my shame. I am quite excited to watch the movie, no matter how saddened I am by the cast, on December this year. I mean, it is still Les Miserables, right? It's the closest thing I can get to the real deal, even if Anne Hathaway isn't my ideal singer.

So, who wants to watch it with me?

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