Monday, May 21

More Lollicake Pictures

I have taken pictures of the lollicakes my brother and I have been eating even though they are our gift to our mom on Mother's day. We have been consuming them very slowly, like having to ration food and water to survive. Except it's just for my pleasure of having a lot of one thing at a time. You know, the selfish, hoarder complexes of mine.

Anyway, here are the pictures I took:

Taking the first bite.

while watching TV

Our mom does not mind us eating them all away since she's not really a fan of chocolates, even if my brother is prohibited from eating too much sweets. She loved the essence of our gift anyway and that's what really counts, right?

S for Sauza

My brother is not the only one who enjoys the lollicakes.

So why did I even gave her chocolate-flavored lollicakes? For one thing, I really have no idea what to give her that time. Ordering the lollicakes was on impulse. Second, my brother and I fell in love with the sweets the first time we tried them. Though we're not choco-holics, I still regretted buying only two the first time. Mother's day was the perfect reason to buy a bunch of lollicakes and not get in trouble.

The shell of the lollicakes is pretty and colorful while the inside is a moist chocolate cake, just enough for a few bites of heaven. The outside is picture perfect, and I cannot stop myself from not taking a few shots of each lollicake. The cake is just so sumptuous that I would love to eat a usual-sized moist chocolate cake. Yum!

And then there were two lollicakes left. How exciting!

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