Monday, May 23

Kudos to Mia

Summer is the time to enjoy the sun. It is when many families go on vacation trips around the Philippines and even abroad. Children play with neighbors and friends and make the streets their playground. Youth my age would go out with peers to the malls, restaurants and just around the town. Of course the computer gaming stations will not be left unmentioned. Yes, enjoy your freedom, guys. It's vacation time as it should be.

Normally, my summer is spent in front of the computer updating with friends, writing random blogs, posting pictures in Facebook, blah blah blah. Other times I surf the idiot box for a good watch. They are all for killing time. Yes, I really have to get a life. But wouldn't it be great if you've done something productive this summer? Like, I don't know, create an article and win a writing contest held by a newspaper that's being published nation-wide?

Someone I know sent her article to the Philippine Star and it got published today. I just want to shout out a big congratulations to Mia Judicpa for a great job! It proves that us Philippine Science High School students do not only have the scientific intellect that we are being praised for, but also the capability to write our hearts out and be heard. Again Mia, congratulations and I hope to read more of your works in the printed publications. ;-)

Here's a link to Mia Judicpa's article - Caught in the Rye

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